Stroke Alert, Step by Step:
CT tech will call reading room with patient name.
CT head without contrast first; look for hemorrhage, bleeds, masses - report and document ASPECT score (below)
After CT head is read, contact the ordering provider with the findings, document time findings were communicated in your report.
Ask the ordering provider for patient symptoms, document those in reason for exam
CTA Head and Neck second; look for large vessel occlusions (LVO), aneurysm, stenosis, bleeds, etc.
If a CT perfusion is done, dictate those findings as well.
After CTA/perfusion read, call ordering provider again with findings for both studies and document time findings were communicated in your report.
1 point is deducted from the initial score of 10 for every region involved:
M1: "anterior MCA cortex," corresponding to the frontal operculum
M2: "MCA cortex lateral to insular ribbon" corresponding to the anterior temporal lobe
M3: "posterior MCA cortex" corresponding to the posterior temporal lobe
M4: "anterior MCA territory immediately superior to M1"
M5: "lateral MCA territory immediately superior to M2"
M6: "posterior MCA territory immediately superior to M3"
Full Radiopedia page: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/alberta-stroke-programme-early-ct-score-aspects?lang=us
Bronchopulmonary segments annotated CT:
Thoracic lymph node stations:
Fleischner Criteria:
Full page: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/fleischner-society-pulmonary-nodule-recommendations-1?lang=us
Solid nodules
Single solid nodule <6 mm (<100 mm3)
low-risk patients: no routine follow-up required
high-risk patients: optional CT at 12 months (particularly with suspicious nodule morphology and/or upper lobe location; see "risk assessment" below)
Solitary solid nodule 6-8 mm (100-250 mm3)
low-risk patients: CT at 6-12 months, then consider CT at 18-24 months
high-risk patients: CT at 6-12 months, then CT at 18-24 months
Solitary solid nodule >8 mm (>250 mm3)
low-risk and high-risk patients: consider CT at 3 months, PET-CT, or tissue sampling
Multiple solid nodules <6 mm (<100 mm3)
low-risk patients: no routine follow-up required
high-risk patients: optional CT at 12 months
Multiple solid nodules >6 mm (>100 mm3)
low-risk patients: CT at 3-6 months, then consider CT at 18-24 months
high-risk patients: CT at 3-6 months, then CT at 18-24 months
When multiple nodules are present, the most suspicious nodule should guide further individualized management.
Subsolid nodules
Single ground glass nodule <6 mm (<100 mm3)
no routine follow-up required
Single ground glass nodule ≥6 mm (>100 mm3)
CT at 6-12 months, then if persistent, CT every 2 years until 5 years
Single part-solid nodule ≥6 mm (>100 mm3)
CT at 3-6 months, then if persistent and solid component remains <6 mm, annual CT until 5 years
Multiple subsolid nodules <6 mm (<100 mm3)
CT at 3-6 months, then if stable consider CT at 2 and 4 years in high-risk patients
Multiple subsolid nodules ≥6 mm (>100 mm3)
CT at 3-6 months, then subsequent management based on the most suspicious nodule(s)
Ascending thoracic aorta:
Dilatation: >4cm
Aneurysm: >5cm
Descending thoracic aorta:
Dilatation: >3cm
Aneurysm: >4cm
Aortic dissection types:
Stanford A: anything involving ascending aorta
Standford B: arises distal to right brachiocephalic artery branch, NOT involving the ascending aorta
Annotated Liver CT:
Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS):
Radiopedia: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/ctmri-li-rads?lang=us
Radiology assistant: https://radiologyassistant.nl/abdomen/liver/li-rads
ACR: https://www.acr.org/Clinical-Resources/Reporting-and-Data
CBD sizes:
Normal: < 6mm (+/- 1-2mm if over 60 y/o depending on age)
Will be larger in cholecystectomy patients (post-cholecystectomy ductal ectasia)
Hydrops: marked distension of gallbladder
>4cm transverse
>9cm longitudinal
Straight/convex borders
Rec further eval with RUQ US
Normal pancreatic duct sizes:
3.5mm (<50y/o)
5mm (>50y/o)
2.5mm (<50y/o)
3mm (>50y/o)
1.5mm (<50y/o)
2mm (>50y/o)
Cystic Pancreatic Lesions
Radiology Assistant (overview): https://radiologyassistant.nl/abdomen/pancreas/pancreas-cystic-lesions
Radiopedia (differential w/ page links): https://radiopaedia.org/articles/cystic-lesions-of-the-pancreas-differential?lang=us
AAST Pancreatic Trauma Classification
Full page: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/pancreatic-trauma-injury-grading?lang=us
Grade I: hematoma with minor contusion or superficial laceration without duct injury
Grade II: major contusion or laceration without duct injury
Grade III: distal transection or deep parenchymal injury with duct injury
Grade IV: proximal transection or deep parenchymal injury involving the ampulla (and/or intrapancreatic common bile duct)
Grade V: massive disruption of the pancreatic head ("shattered pancreas")
USC Keck SoM Washout Calculator: https://pcheng.org/calc/adrenal_ct.html
Bosniak Classification:
Radiology Assistant: https://radiologyassistant.nl/abdomen/kidney/bozniak-2019
Bosniak I
benign simple cyst
wall ≤2 mm, water density, no septa/calcs/solid components/enhancement
Bosniak II
benign cyst - "minimally complex"
thin <1 mm septa or thin calcifications (not measurable)
perceived enhancement, non-enhancing high-attenuation (proteinaceous/hemorrhagic) contents, <3 cm
well circumscribed
Bosniak IIF
minimally complex
multiple hairline thin septa or minimally smooth thickened walls or septa
perceived but no measurable enhancement of wall or septa
calcification can be present and may be thick and nodular
generally well marginated
Bosniak III
indeterminate cystic mass
thickened irregular or smooth walls or septa with measurable enhancement
Bosniak IV
clearly malignant cystic mass
Bosniak III criteria + enhancing soft tissue components adjacent to but independent of wall or septum
Bowel and Mesenteric Trauma: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/bowel-and-mesenteric-trauma?lang=us
Normal bowel size (3-6-9 rule):
Small bowel < 3cm
Large bowel < 6cm
Appendix < 6mm
Cecum < 9cm